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SM Walking Festival Neutral Walks

Find out how to join us on a Neutral Walk!

Apedale Community Country Park|Barlaston Downs|Tittesworth Water Car Park|Rudyard Lake Steam Railway Parking|Wetley Moor Common|Biddulph Grange Country Park|Chatterley Whitfield

Service Description

Social walks are a fantastic next step up from neutrality work. Dogs will have the opportunity to experience positive social interactions and learn how to speak 'dog' from being within a group, while owners will learn how to read their dogs body language and when to step in during interactions. Social walks always start on-lead and then if you are comfortable we will let you know when you can let your dog off-lead. We will also try and work on training exercises related to the dogs in the group. We highly recommend that dogs wear a muzzle if they are reactive or you aren't sure how they will do - trust us, it really does help your confidence! Our social walks are not able to be booked online as we structure our walks to limit the number of over-reactive dogs so that walks aren't too overwhelming. If we don't know you yet, you will have to have a Social Walk Assessment before joining - get in touch to arrange your assessment. To join a social walk, get in touch via our contact form, or message us on social media/Whatsapp (+447538902982). Don't forget to let us know if you're an Honest Hounds member as you receive a discount on walks. We run a minimum of four per month and each social walk is booked on a first-come first-serve basis so if there is not space on the walk you would like to join then we will let you know when the next available walk is. To join Honest Hounds, head to and use our code HHCONSTELLATION to get your first months membership of The Pack tier for only £1!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

FOR FULL T&Cs PLEASE REFER TO OUR T&Cs PAGE: ---- Cancellations within 48 hours of a social walk will not be refunded. You are able to reschedule a social walk with minimum 24 hours notice provided that there is space on an appropriate future walk. Please let us know if you want to reschedule.​ If we have to cancel a social walk for any reason, we will provide either a refund or an alternative place. Refunds will be made at our discretion and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, the outcome of which will be final. ---- To book onto a social walk you must have previously had an assessment with us. Over-reactive dog spaces are limited per walk and are able to be booked on a first come, first serve basis. We reserve the right to excuse dogs that are not suitable for social walks or to request that your dog leaves the walk if it is unsuitable for them on the day. Dogs that are reactive to dogs or people or have shown any aggressive behaviour are required to wear a muzzle. You are responsible for your own dog, and the actions and outcomes of their behaviour. We will not accept any responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to any persons or dogs attending a training service or to any persons property during the provision of our service. Owners are advised to have pet insurance that covers at a minimum third party liability insurance. ---- Your dog must be fit and healthy, free of fleas and parasites, and have received all relevant vaccinations or have evidence of immunity via titre testing. You are responsible for cleaning up after your dog. Do not bring your dog to class if it is unwell, in season, or has a contagious illness (such as kennel cough or gastroenteritis).

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